Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Buford, GA 30518
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Buford GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st United Pentecostal Church | 770-271-8979 | 15 W Moreno St | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Allen Temple United Methodist Churc | 770-932-9171 | 495 New St | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Atlanta Bethany Korean United Methodis | 678-546-5700 | 144 Whitehead Rd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Big Sky Community Church | 770-271-5253 | 5401 Cumming Hwy | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Buford First United Methodist Churc | 770-945-4161 | 285 E Main St | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Buford Presbyterian Church | 770-945-6711 | 1242 Buford Hwy | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Church of Christ of Buford | 770-945-8620 | 1135 Chatham Rd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Community of Faith Family Church | 770-945-0241 | 1870 S Lee Ct | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Epiphany Lutheran Church | 770-831-1966 | 1350 Peachtree Industrial | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Faith Free Full Gospel Methodist Churc | 770-932-1661 | 539 Washington St | Buford | GA | 30518 |
First Baptist Church at Sugar Hill | 770-945-5092 | 5091 Highway 20 | Buford | GA | 30518 |
First Baptist Church at Sugar Hill | 770-831-0017 | 5091 Nelson Brogdon Blvd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
First Baptist Church of Buford | 770-932-0557 | 4550 Hamilton Mill Rd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
First Community Baptist Church | 770-271-4000 | 5608 Suwanee Dam Rd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Greater Gwinnett Church of Christ | 678-546-4777 | 327 S Hill St | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Hog Mountain Baptist Church | 770-945-5876 | 1971 Hog Mountain Church | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Joy Christian Center | 770-831-0101 | 322 S Hill St | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Living Waters Worship Center | 770-271-5610 | 1132 Buford Hwy | Buford | GA | 30518 |
New Bethany Baptist Church | 770-945-7602 | 6302 Holiday Rd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
New Prospect United Methodist Churc | 770-945-5537 | 2018 Buford Dam Rd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Oasis Outreach Center Intl | 770-945-2354 | 4950 Rolling Rock Dr | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Old Suwanee Baptist Church and Chri | 770-945-5451 | 4118 Old Suwanee Rd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Poplar Hill Baptist Church | 770-945-6131 | 234 E Shadburn Ave | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Resthaven Baptist Church | 770-945-1780 | 132 Ledford Rd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Sugar Hill United Methodist | 770-945-2845 | 4600 Nelson Brogdon Blvd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Union Baptist Church | 770-945-9064 | 251 Bona Rd | Buford | GA | 30518 |
West Buford Baptist Church | 770-932-9514 | 1050 W Shadburn Ave | Buford | GA | 30518 |
Worldwide Church of God | 678-482-1277 | 200 N Alexander St | Buford | GA | 30518 |
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