Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Duluth, GA 30096
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Duluth GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st Chinese Baptist Church of Atlan | 770-849-0017 | 2525 Gravitt Rd | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Bridge Church Atlanta Inc The | 678-584-2164 | 3550 Corporate Way | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Calvary Christian Fellowship | 770-623-0041 | 3116 Main St | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Church of Christ at Duluth | 770-476-2159 | 3239 Duluth Highway 120 | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Duluth First United Methodist Churc | 770-497-1743 | 3208 Duluth Highway 120 | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
First Baptist Church Duluth | 770-476-3788 | 2908 Duluth Highway 120 | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
First Baptist Church of Duluth Mission | 770-476-9634 | 2978 Duluth Highway 120 | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 770-497-8227 | 3375 Church Ln | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Glory Christian Ministries | 770-814-7280 | 2218 Staunton Dr | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 770-449-9019 | 2625 Ingram Rd | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Korean Christian Times The | 770-986-8220 | 3460 Summit Ridge Pkwy | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Korean Church of Atlanta Umc | 678-381-0191 | 3205 Pleasant Hill Rd | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Metropolitan Church of God | 770-476-1615 | 4830 River Green Pkwy | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Mt Carmel Missionary Baptist Church | 770-476-4735 | 3458 Church St | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Mt Tabor Baptist Church | 770-476-1463 | 4175 Buford Hwy | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Ch | 770-497-0233 | 3700 Pleasant Hill Rd | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
World Fellowship Church International | 770-623-9599 | 2965 Duluth Highway 120 | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
Zion Korean United Methodist Churc | 770-495-8020 | 3258 Duluth Highway 120 | Duluth | GA | 30096 |
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