Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lawrenceville, GA 30044
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lawrenceville GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amazing Grace Baptist Church | 770-995-5812 | 787 Paden Dr | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Believers Baptist Church | 770-921-2909 | 742 Bethesda School Rd | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Bethany Primitive Baptist Church | 770-939-1631 | 3150 Lawrenceville Hwy | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Bethesda United Methodist Churc | 770-921-1699 | 444 Bethesda Church Rd | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Brookwood Baptist Church | 770-979-1864 | 2516 Five Forks Trickum R | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Christian Church Disciples of Ch | 770-963-1176 | 1982 Old Norcross Rd | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 770-962-5650 | 3355 Sugarloaf Pkwy | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Colonial Woods Baptist Church | 770-921-6681 | 371 Lester Rd SW | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
First Baptist Church of Lilburn | 770-923-4222 | 3445 Lawrenceville Hwy | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
First Christian Church of Lwrncvl | 770-963-9922 | 3495 Sugarloaf Pkwy | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Grace Community Church | 770-979-1878 | 2149 Five Forks Trickum R | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Gwinnett Community Church | 770-972-1515 | 455 Arnold Rd | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Ingleside Presbyterian Church Pca | 770-978-3555 | 1001 Old Snellville Hwy | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Rehoboth Baptist Church The | 770-939-3182 | 2997 Lawrenceville Hwy | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
Startchurchcom | 770-638-3444 | 660 Wyndham Place Cir | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044 |
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