Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Lilburn, GA 30047
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Lilburn GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advance Center of Cosmetic Dentry | 770-564-9906 | 449 Pleasant Hill Rd NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Am Dent Inc | 770-279-5000 | 895 Indian Trail Lilburn | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Anizor Isioma Dds | 678-252-5665 | 4030 Lawrenceville Hwy NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Atlanta Oral & Facial Surgery | 770-923-2926 | 605 Beaver Ruin Rd NW Ste C | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Brandenburg William G Dds | 770-923-4630 | 4068 Five Forks Trickum R | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Bright Now Dental | 770-923-1814 | 331 Arcado Rd NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Butler M Forest Dds | 770-921-3555 | 320 Killian Hill Rd NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Cohen Mark I Dds | 770-717-5552 | 609E Beaver Ruin Rd NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Fievet Craig N Dmd | 770-979-3760 | 1003 Oak Rd SW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Ford George W Dmd Pc | 770-381-0703 | 605 Beaver Ruin Rd NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Gangwisch Richard P Dds | 770-923-3966 | 912 Killian Hill Rd SW Ste 100 | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Gwinnett Children's Dentistry | 770-925-3300 | 609 Beaver Ruin Rd NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Haugh W Scott Dmd | 770-923-1310 | 5365 Five Forks Trickum R | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Marion David P Dds Pc | 770-279-8800 | 629A Beaver Ruin Rd NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
McCool Harry W Dds Pc | 770-381-9320 | 645 Beaver Ruin Rd NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Mitchell George T Dds | 770-923-8333 | 639 Beaver Ruin Rd NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
Tucker Alan Dds | 770-923-5200 | 639A Beaver Ruin Rd NW | Lilburn | GA | 30047 |
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