Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Gainesville, GA 30507
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Gainesville GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Belmont Baptist Church | 770-532-4741 | 3635 Belmont Hwy | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 770-536-4712 | 1370 Calvary Church Rd | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Chicopee Baptist Church | 770-536-3761 | | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Church of Christ | 770-287-8307 | 2810 Athens Hwy | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Church of Freedom | 770-287-7799 | 2235 Lee Land Rd | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Cross Plains Baptist Church | 770-532-1588 | 3230 Cross Plains Rd | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Dunagan Chapel | 770-538-0600 | 5540 Timber Ridge Rd | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
East Hall Baptist Church | 770-535-2269 | 3339 Joe Chandler Rd | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Harmony Hall Baptist Church | 770-534-5864 | 4160 Mangum Mill Rd | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Hopewell Baptist Church | 770-287-3311 | 5086 Poplar Springs Rd | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Oak Grove Baptist Church | 770-534-7987 | 2414 Athens Hwy | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Poplar Springs Baptist Church | 770-532-2237 | 3101 Poplar Springs Dr | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Redwine United Methodist Churc | 770-536-5164 | 3285 Poplar Springs Rd | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Sugar Hill Baptist Church | 770-297-9386 | 3250 Athens Hwy | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
Timber Ridge Baptist Church | 770-869-9300 | 4895 Timber Ridge Rd | Gainesville | GA | 30507 |
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