Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in McDonough, GA 30252
* Each listing below of Churches Information for McDonough GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Baptist Church | 770-957-4455 | 4 N Bethany Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Cleveland Chapel Ame | 770-957-3297 | Stone Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Eastside Baptist Church | 770-914-8922 | 1070 Keys Ferry Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Farguson Chapel Baptist Church | 770-957-2495 | 1701 E Lake Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church | 678-432-9533 | 520 Plantation Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Flippen United Methodist Churc | 770-957-4676 | Flippen Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Glenn Haven Baptist Church | 678-432-5138 | 345 E Lake Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 770-957-1994 | 1545 N Highway 43 | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Kelley Chapel Baptist Church | 770-957-9583 | 3351 Airline Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Kelley Presbyterian Church | 770-957-7992 | 3637 Airline Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Kelleytown Community Church | 770-914-8456 | 111 Ford Dr | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
McDonough Church of Christ | 770-957-8611 | 400 Lake Dow Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Mount Bethel Baptist Church | 770-957-7057 | 633 Keys Ferry Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Mt Bethel United Methodist Churc | 770-954-1194 | 992 Mount Bethel Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
New Big Springs Baptist Church | 770-957-7670 | Luella Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Ole Country Church | 770-957-2818 | 2649 Highway 155 N | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Phildelphia United Methodist Churc | 770-898-0201 | 156 Philadelphia Dr | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Salem Baptist Church | 678-432-5491 | 353 Bryans Dr | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Salem Baptist Church | 770-957-4543 | 1724 Highway 155 N | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Sardis Baptist Church | 770-954-1565 | 2120 Keys Ferry Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Sharon School The | 770-954-0500 | 536 N Ola Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 770-957-2344 | Macon St | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Snapping Shoals United Methodist Churc | 770-957-6845 | 3171 Old Snapping Shoals | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Southern Crescent Baptist Church | 770-914-0144 | 334 Lake Dow Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Springfield Baptist Church | 770-957-3020 | 1490 Highway 155 N | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
St Joseph's Episcopal Church | 770-957-7517 | 1865 Highway 20 E | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Timberridge Presbyterian Ch | 770-957-5203 | 2704 Highway 20 E | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Turner United Methodist Church | 770-914-1494 | 2957 Turner Church Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Union Grove Baptist Church | 770-957-8207 | 1360 E Lake Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Wesley Chapel United Methodist Churc | 770-957-4728 | 397 Racetrack Rd | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
Wesley Way United Methodist Churc | 770-898-3023 | 150 John Wesley Way | McDonough | GA | 30252 |
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