Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbus, GA 31903
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbus GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alive With Christ Ministries | 706-682-0046 | 2413 Dawson St | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Apostolic Faith Mission The | 706-682-2200 | 2503 Dawson St | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 706-689-4190 | 2312 Ellen Ave | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Benning Hills Baptist Church | 706-689-7660 | 8 Esquiline Dr | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Benning Park Assembly of God | 706-689-4446 | 907 Benning Dr | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Christ Church of Columbus | 706-687-4677 | 2042 Fort Benning Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Christian Fellowship Church Inc | 706-687-6654 | 3658 Cusseta Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Christian Service Center Inc | 706-221-5730 | 2400 Fort Benning Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Church of Christ Cusseta Road | 706-682-8106 | 3013 Cusseta Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Church of Christ Torch Hill Road | 706-687-9908 | 2009 Torch Hill Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Cusseta Road Christian Center Daycare | 706-221-8974 | 2336 Cusseta Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
First Institutional Temple Baptist | 706-682-1444 | 1493 Cusseta Ave | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Garden of Prayer Church of God in Chris | 706-682-3748 | 330 Andrews Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Gethesemane Baptist Church Inc | 706-687-3133 | 242 Kendrick Ave | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Grant Chapel Ame Church | 706-682-1770 | 511 20th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Harris J C Rev | 706-687-8134 | 4400 Old Cusseta Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Love Joy & Peace Ministries Inc | 706-682-6768 | 322 25th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
M L Harris United Methodist Churc | 706-687-4567 | 4601 Old Cusseta Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 706-689-3799 | 2717 Cusseta Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Macedonia Christian Ministries | 706-687-1111 | 3645 Cusseta Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 706-685-1484 | 2311 Dawson St | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church | 706-682-9781 | 3601 Youmans St | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
New Bethel A M E Church | 706-689-8076 | 3404 Victory Dr | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
New Life House of Prayer | 706-685-9977 | 2028 Fort Benning Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church | 706-689-5720 | 1953 Torch Hill Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School | 706-689-5644 | 1973 Torch Hill Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Riverview Baptist Church | 706-689-2874 | 132 30th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
South Columbus United Methodist Churc | 706-689-5094 | 1213 Benning Dr | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Southside Baptist Church | 706-689-6036 | 2343 Howe Ave | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
St Peter Community Church | 706-689-7303 | 1951 Cusseta Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
The Apostolic Fellowship Chur | 706-687-7880 | 2040 Fort Benning Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Twelve Disciple Missionary Bapt | 706-687-0203 | 3625 Youmans St | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Victory Bible Institute | 706-682-0500 | 3150 N Lumpkin Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Walker Temple Church of God in Christ | 706-682-8832 | 72 30th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
Word of Revelation | 706-689-9004 | 3941 Cusseta Rd | Columbus | GA | 31903 |
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