Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbus, GA 31904
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbus GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beacon Baptist Center | 706-323-3391 | 2701 Beacon Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Beallwood Baptist Church | 706-322-2709 | 4519 Hamilton Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Beallwood Church of God | 706-323-3604 | 1113 43rd St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Bethany Worship Center | 706-324-4822 | 4119 Oates Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Bread of Life Christian Church | 706-571-0111 | 4510 Oates Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Brookstone Full Gospel Baptist Church | 706-494-1188 | 506 Manchester Expy | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Cascade Hills Church | 706-327-5743 | 727 54th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Central Baptist Church | 706-322-7763 | 8303 Whitesville Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 706-653-9838 | 3718 Howard Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Columbus Consolidated Government | 706-653-4573 | 1213 Double Churches Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Corinth Baptist Church | 706-322-0056 | 4909 12th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Epworth United Methodist Churc | 706-322-6973 | 2400 Devonshire Dr | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Evangel Temple Assembly of God | 706-323-1876 | 5350 Veterans Pkwy | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Faith Kingdom Ministries | 706-324-4999 | 1108 31st St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Faith Worship Center International I | 706-323-6609 | 3301 13th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Fellowship of Jesus | 706-323-6126 | 2744 Warm Springs Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 706-324-1741 | 952 54th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Glenn Anthony Baptist Church | 706-322-2800 | 1109 39th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Grace Baptist Church | 706-323-1046 | 2915 14th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Greater Beallwood Baptist Church | 706-327-5486 | 4419 Sherwood Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Hamp Stevens Methodist Church | 706-322-8047 | 301 35th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Hilton Garden Inn | 706-660-1000 | 1500 Bradley Lake Blvd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Hilton Terrace Baptist Church | 706-327-3943 | 2236 Warm Springs Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Holy Transfiguration Orthodox | 706-323-0202 | 4612 Gilbert Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Korean Full Gospel Church of Colum | 706-221-9996 | 2719 47th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Korean Presbyterian Church | 706-653-0191 | 5748 Whitesville Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Living Word Church The | 706-327-1155 | 3985 Hamilton Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer | 706-322-5026 | 4700 Armour Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
M S Jones Pentecostal Assemblies of T | 706-323-9885 | 2216 Hamilton Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Maranatha Baptist Church | 706-323-3745 | 303 Double Churches Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Muscogee County School District | 706-748-2675 | 1112 29th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Muscogee County School District | 706-748-2678 | 7611 Whitesville Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
New Providence Baptist Church | 706-323-0392 | 5227 14th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Northside Baptist Church | 706-324-7183 | 959 54th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Northside Church of Christ | 706-327-4696 | 835 Double Churches Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Porter Memorial Baptist Church | 706-322-8434 | 90 40th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Real Life Church | 706-323-5040 | 3628 Calvin Dr | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
River Chapel Primitive Baptist Church | 706-327-3992 | 6727 River Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Riverview Assembly of God | 706-322-0479 | 2517 2nd Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Rose Hill Baptist Church | 706-322-8514 | 2100 Hamilton Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Rose Hill United Methodist Churc | 706-323-5761 | 2101 Hamilton Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Second Baptist Church | 706-324-1001 | 2800 2nd Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Sherwood Presbyterian Church | 706-323-8814 | 3100 15th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Sherwood United Methodist Churc | 706-322-1654 | 3503 17th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
St Mary's Apostolic Church of God | 706-324-4570 | 332 29th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Tabernacle A M E Church | 706-323-5892 | 6641 Green Island Dr | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Temple Baptist Church | 706-327-4109 | 4311 2nd Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
The People's Church Wynnbrook Bapti | 706-323-4374 | 500 River Knoll Way | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Trinity Temple | 706-322-3333 | 3000 12th Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
True Vine Ministries International | 706-320-0196 | 4105 Beallwood Ave | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Twenty Fourth Street Baptist Church | 706-323-7613 | 400 24th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of C | 706-660-1442 | 1442 Double Churches Rd | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
Words of Wisdom Christian Cente | 706-571-0885 | 420 38th St | Columbus | GA | 31904 |
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