Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Augusta, GA 30901
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Augusta GA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
30901 Development Corporation | 706-823-0905 | 1446 Lee Beard Way | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
American Red Cross | 706-724-8481 | 1322 Ellis St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Augusta React Inc | 706-798-7849 | Mack Ln | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Augusta Task Force for the Homeless in | 706-723-0040 | 730 E Boundary | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Broad Street Ministry Center | 706-722-5999 | 20 Broad St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Care Pregnancy Center | 706-724-3733 | 1298 Broad St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Catholic Social Services | 706-722-3661 | 811 12th St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Comfort House | 706-774-9012 | 317 Telfair St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Communities in Schools Augusta Richmon | 706-774-6600 | 329 Telfair St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Community Crisis Outreach Minist | 706-724-0886 | 1422 Mill St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Csra Economic Opportunity Aut | 706-722-7877 | 333 Telfair St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Csra Economic Opportunity Aut | 706-790-0722 | 2024 Golden Rod St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Downtown Cooperative Church Minister | 706-722-9065 | 303 Hale St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Georgia Youth Advocate Program | 706-722-3712 | 343 Telfair St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Habitat for Humanity | 706-481-8681 | 1002 Walton Way | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Housing Authority of the City of Aug | 706-722-4072 | 1694 Hunter St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
J W C Helping Hands Inc | 706-722-3066 | 2050 Bolt Dr | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Kids Restart | 706-828-0180 | 608 Broad St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Masters Table Soup Kitchen The | 706-722-0607 | 842 Fenwick St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
Salvation Army The | 706-826-7933 | 1384 Greene St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
St Stephen's Ministry | 706-722-7092 | 922 Greene St | Augusta | GA | 30901 |
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