Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hilo, HI 96720
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hilo HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berean Bible Church | 808-935-6401 | 429 Wainaku Ave | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Central Christian Church | 808-935-8025 | 109 Haili St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 808-935-8612 | 595 Kapiolani St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-961-5135 | 1373 Kilauea Ave Apt A | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Church of the Holy Cross | 808-935-1283 | 440 W Lanikaula St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
East Hawaii Church of Christ | 808-935-6917 | 46 Lono St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Episcopal Church The | 808-935-5545 | 1407 Kapiolani St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Family Christian Center | 808-961-5651 | 168 Holomua St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
First United Protestant Church of Hilo | 808-935-5914 | 1350 Waianuenue Ave | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Grace Baptist Church of Hilo | 808-959-6711 | 2575 Kilauea Ave | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Hilo Baptist Church | 808-961-5511 | 600 W Lanikaula St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Hilo Community of Christ | 808-959-8747 | 1856 Kinoole St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Hilo Daijingu | 808-959-8611 | 10 Anela St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Hilo United Methodist Church | 808-935-2144 | 374 Waianuenue Ave | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Kaumana Drive Baptist Church | 808-961-3309 | 388 Kaumana Dr | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Konko Mission of Hilo | 808-935-3239 | 58 Huapala Ln | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Living Waters Assembly of God | 808-959-9524 | 89 Maikai St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
New Hope at the Crossroads | 808-935-9961 | 116 Hualalai St Ste 200 | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Praise & Prayer Church of the Pacific | 808-961-6540 | 305 Wailuku Dr Ste 7 | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
Seicho No Ie Hilo | 808-935-1768 | 228 Ululani St | Hilo | HI | 96720 |
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