Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kailua Kona, HI 96740
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kailua Kona HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Community Church | 808-329-1440 | 76-4295 Leilani St | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Christian Science Society of Kail | 808-329-1935 | 75-5799 Alii Dr Ste B8 | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Church of Christ in Kona | 808-329-1165 | 74-5100 Palani Rd | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-325-6814 | 73-1149 Ahikawa St | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-331-8345 | 75-230 Kalani St | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Cornerstone Christian Fellowship | 808-329-2688 | 74-4972 Kealakaa St | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 808-325-0925 | 73-4202 Mamalahoa Hwy | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Kona Baptist Church | 808-322-3355 | 78-7156 Puuloa Rd | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Kona Outdoor Circle Educationalr & | 808-329-7286 | 76-6280 Kuakini Hwy | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Kona United Methodist Church | 808-329-5842 | 74-4960 Palani Rd | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Life Church | 808-326-7000 | 75-5699 Alii Dr | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity | 808-329-5733 | 77-165 Lako St | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
Pu'uanahulu Baptist Church | 808-331-1230 | 71-1545 Mamalahoa Hwy | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
St Michael's Catholic Church | 808-326-7771 | 75-5769 Alii Dr | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
University of the Nations | 808-326-7228 | 75-5851 Kuakini Hwy | Kailua Kona | HI | 96740 |
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