Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Kailua, HI 96734
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Kailua HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Albu & Albu Attorneys at Law | 808-266-6200 | 26 Hoolai St Ste 200 | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Aluli Yuklin | 808-262-5900 | 415 Uluniu St Ste C | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Fasi David F Atty | 808-254-5855 | 970 N Kalaheo Ave Ste A300 | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Friedheim Jay Lawrence Attorney | 808-262-1795 | 145 Kaiolena Dr | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Gomes Joseph A Attorney at Law | 808-262-5859 | 767 Kailua Rd Ste 202 | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Hussey Ramona Attorney at Law | 808-254-4530 | 970 N Kalaheo Ave Ste A216 | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Jervis Gerard A Esq | 808-262-2828 | 407 Uluniu St Ste 101 | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Ka'anohi Fashions Llc | 808-261-7903 | 130 Kailua Rd Ste 106 | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Kanetake Stanley T Atty | 808-261-7979 | 228 Kuulei Rd | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Law Offices of Libby Ellett Tomar | 808-262-2800 | 116 Hekili St Ste 201 | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Lockwood Frank T Atty | 808-263-6900 | 408 Uluniu St # A | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Locricchio Anthony P Law Offices of | 808-261-7733 | 903 Maunawili Cir | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
McPheeters Howard F Atty | 808-262-8944 | 1361 Lopaka Pl | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Paul James T Atty | 808-262-6859 | 815 Pahumele Pl | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
Tate Jane E Attorney at Law | 808-263-5911 | PO Box 417 | Kailua | HI | 96734 |
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