Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Ewa Beach, HI 96706
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Ewa Beach HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anuenue Christian Church | 808-689-4077 | 91-902 Fort Weaver Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Baptist Church of Ewa Beach | 808-689-8888 | 91-743 Pohakupuna Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Calvary Chapel West Oahu Preschool | 808-689-3444 | 91-928 Fort Weaver Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-685-1668 | 91-231 Kaukolu Pl | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-683-1601 | 91-1159 Mikohu St | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-685-1364 | 91-1031 Waihuna Pl | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Episcopal Church in Hawaii The | 808-674-0766 | 91-1012 Hoea | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Ewa Beach Church of God | 808-689-1600 | 91-786 Makule Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Ewa Beach United Methodist Churc | 808-689-0153 | 91-660 Pohakupuna Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Ewa Community Church | 808-681-3471 | 91-1258 Renton Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Friendship Bible Church Independnt Bpts | 808-687-3638 | 91-1130 Renton Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Friendship Christian Schools at Ewa | 808-681-8838 | 91-1207 Renton Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Sisters of St Francis | 808-687-3420 | 91-1048 Aawa Dr | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
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