Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kaneohe, HI 96744
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kaneohe HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A #1 Hawai I Weddings 95 | 808-235-6966 | 44-160 Kou Pl Apt 2 | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Ark The | 808-235-7877 | 46-144 Kahuhipa St | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Church of God of Prophecy | 808-235-1044 | 45-416 Kamehameha Hwy | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-247-3134 | 46-117 Halaulani St | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-247-7927 | 46-039 Heeia St | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-235-2485 | 46-232 Kahuhipa St | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-247-5342 | 46-316 Kauhaa Pl | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-235-8633 | 45-106 Leleua Pl | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-235-6879 | 45-700 Paepuu St | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-239-7249 | 47-483 Pakai Pl | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Door of Faith Church & Bible School | 808-247-6940 | 45-611 Kapunahala Rd | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Honolulu Sailing Co | 808-239-3900 | 47-335 Lulani St | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Kahaluu Baptist Chapel | 808-239-8339 | 47-171 Waihee Rd | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Kahaluu United Methodist Churc | 808-239-9049 | 47-253 Waihee Rd | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Kaneohe Congregational Church | 808-235-2764 | 45-114 Waikapoki Rd | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Light of Promise Ministries | 808-239-5334 | PO Box 6361 | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Pali View Baptist Church | 808-247-4271 | 45-510 Halekou Rd | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Parker United Methodist Church Kaneohe | 808-247-3250 | 45-211 Waikalua Rd | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
Windward Missionary Church | 808-235-3651 | 45-227 Iole St | Kaneohe | HI | 96744 |
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