Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pearl City, HI 96782
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pearl City HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-456-0410 | 558 Hoomoana St | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-455-7552 | 1443 Kaumoli Pl | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-456-1150 | 98-854 Noelani St | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
First Baptist Church of Pearl City | 808-455-2011 | 1445 Hoolaulea St | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
Iglesia Ni Cristo | 808-453-0030 | 765 Kamehameha Hwy | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
Joy of Christ Lutheran Church of Pearl | 808-455-1138 | 784 Kamehameha Hwy | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
La Luz Del Mundo | 808-456-4858 | 719 Kamehameha Hwy Ste A206 | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
Leeward Community Church | 808-456-1340 | 1860 Komo Mai Dr | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
Oceanview Bible Chapel | 808-455-7833 | 1096 Maiha Cir | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
Palisades Baptist Church | 808-456-7288 | 2251 Auhuhu St | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
Pearl City Community Church | 808-455-4148 | 933 Lehua Ave | Pearl City | HI | 96782 |
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