Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Waipahu, HI 96797
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Waipahu HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Christ at Waipahu | 808-677-4222 | 94-447 Apowale St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Church of Christ Leeward | 808-677-4944 | 94-1233 Waipahu St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-671-2342 | 91-1029 Kaihuopalaai | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-676-7128 | 94-112 Pupunohe St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-677-0759 | 94-1010 Ukee Pl | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-677-5352 | 94-207 Waipahu St Ofc | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
First Baptist Church of Waipahu | 808-677-5381 | 94-388 Waipahu St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Iglesia Ni Cristo | 808-677-8952 | 94-601 Kinney Pl | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 808-676-1615 | 94-107 Hula St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Koinonia Christian Center | 808-671-5378 | 94-216 Farrington Hwy Ste A2 | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Lanakila Baptist Church of Waipahu | 808-677-0731 | 94-1250 Waipahu St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Leeward Church of Christ | 808-671-0239 | 94-1283 Henokea St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Leeward Korean United Methodist Churc | 808-676-8504 | 94-301 Waipahu Depot St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Messenger of the Light Church | 808-671-1717 | 94-053 Nawaakoa Pl | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Potter's House Christian Fello | 808-671-4669 | 94-265 Leowahine St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
The City of Refuge Christian Churc | 808-677-5677 | 94-897 Waipahu St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Waipahu Church of Christ | 808-671-7510 | 94-289 Kahualena St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Waipahu Full Gospel Chapel | 808-680-9678 | 94-559 Hiaku Pl | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Waipahu United Church of Christ | 808-677-3317 | 94-330 Mokuola St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
Waipio Community Baptist Church | 808-676-9397 | 94-1210 Waipio Uka St | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
West Oahu Christian Church | 808-671-0699 | 94-420 Farrington Hwy | Waipahu | HI | 96797 |
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