Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Ewa Beach, HI 96706
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Ewa Beach HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Campbell James High School | 808-689-1200 | 91-980 North Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Ewa Beach Elementary School | 808-689-1249 | 91-740 Papipi Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Ewa Elementary School | 808-681-3480 | 91-1280 Renton Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Holomua Elementary School | 808-685-2000 | 91-1561 Keaunui Dr | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Honolulu Community Action Program | 808-689-3575 | 91-750 Fort Weaver Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Ilima Intermediate School | 808-689-1250 | 91-884 Fort Weaver Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Iroquois Point Elementary Scho | 808-499-6501 | 5553 Cormorant Ave | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Kaimiloa Elementary School | 808-689-1248 | 91-1028 Kaunolu St | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Kapolei Middle School | 808-693-7025 | 91-5335 Kapolei Pkwy | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Lanakila Baptist School | 808-681-3146 | 91-1219 Renton Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Messiah Lutheran School | 808-488-2940 | 91-679 Fort Weaver Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School | 808-689-0474 | 91-1010 North Rd | Ewa Beach | HI | 96706 |
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