Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Kihei, HI 96753
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Kihei HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cameo Reflections | 808-891-1988 | 101 Kanani Rd | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
For Shear Hair Design | 808-875-9080 | 300 Ohukai Rd Ste C319 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Great Styles & Cuts | 808-875-4448 | Longs Drugs Shopping | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Gypsies Hair Salon | 808-874-8080 | 551 S Kihei Rd | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Lani Aloha Salon and Day Spa | 808-875-0809 | 1881 S Kihei Rd Ste 113 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Nail Care Center | 808-891-2285 | 1295 S Kihei Rd Ste J | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Planet Hair | 808-891-2880 | 2395 S Kihei Rd Ste 203A | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Rutz Hair Design | 808-891-1444 | 1847 S Kihei Rd Ste 201 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Sisters & Co | 808-875-9888 | 1913B S Kihei Rd | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Starr West Salon | 808-874-0808 | Azeka I | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Stranz Hair & Nail Salon | 808-879-9111 | 2439 S Kihei Rd Ste 111A | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
The Nail Shop | 808-879-8899 | Azeka Mauka | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
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