Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kihei, HI 96753
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kihei HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Chapel South Maui | 808-874-9238 | PO Box 755 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Catholic Churches | 808-875-2984 | 25 W Lipoa St | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 808-879-1818 | 129 Lanakila Pl | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Forever Mauied | 808-871-4715 | PO Box 2212 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Keawalai Congregational Church | 808-879-5557 | 190 Makena Rd | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Keolahou Congregational Hawaiian Church | 808-879-4693 | 177 S Kihei Rd | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Kihei Assembly of God | 808-874-8907 | 500 Kaiola Pl | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Kihei Baptist Chapel | 808-879-5618 | 1655 S Kihei Rd | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Kihei Lutheran Church Elca | 808-879-7979 | 261 Palanehe St | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Kuhina Hawaiian Weddings & Bles | 808-875-6887 | PO Box 268 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Life Builders Christian Church | 808-879-6290 | PO Box 244 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Maui Weddings From the Heart | 808-874-8755 | PO Box 329 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
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