Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Jewelers in Kihei, HI 96753
* Each listing below of Jewelers Information for Kihei HI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
808 Jeweler | 808-875-8088 | 1215 S Kihei Rd | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Baron & Leeds Rolex | 808-874-4900 | 3750 Wailea Alanui Dr | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Black Pearl Gallery | 808-875-1977 | 3750 Wailea Alanui Dr Ste B29 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Dolphin Galleries Inc | 808-891-6000 | Shops at Wailea | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Hildgund Jewelers | 808-874-5800 | 4 Seasons Resort | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Kama Lei Design | 808-875-4429 | 3550 Wailea Alanui Dr | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Maui Pearl Outlet | 808-891-0798 | 1941 S Kihei Rd Ste A9 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Na Hoku Hawaii's Finest Jeweler | 808-879-8336 | Grand Wailea Resort | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Omar's Gift Shop | 808-891-0003 | 1941 S Kihei Rd Ste F2 | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Topaz Goldsmith & Gallery | 808-879-5877 | Rainbow Mall | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Wailea Jewelry | 808-891-2204 | 3750 Wailea Alanui Dr Ste B26a | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
Yuko's Jewelry | 808-875-4370 | 1945 S Kihei Rd Ste H | Kihei | HI | 96753 |
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