Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Cedar Falls, IA 50613
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Cedar Falls IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Carlos O'kelly's Mexican Cafe | 319-277-1121 | 6507 University Ave | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Famous Dave's | 319-266-0200 | 6222 University Ave | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant | 319-266-4368 | 6306 University Ave | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Hy-Vee Food Stores | 319-266-7535 | College Square Shopp | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 319-266-8551 | 6104 University Ave | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Pablo's Mexican Grill | 319-277-8226 | 310 Main St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Steege's Meat Market at Benson | 319-277-4577 | 9502 W 1st St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
The Olde Broom Factory Restaurant | 319-268-0877 | 125 W 1st St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
University Book & Supply | 319-266-7581 | 1009 W 23rd St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Zio Johno's Spaghetti House | 319-859-0111 | 5312 University Ave | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
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