Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Cedar Falls, IA 50613
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Cedar Falls IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Bible Chapel | 319-266-0100 | 4507 Rownd St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Bethlehem Ev Lutheran Church Elca | 319-266-3541 | 4000 Hudson Rd | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Brammer Memorial Center | 319-268-9094 | 2322 Olive St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Cedar Falls Church of Christ | 319-266-6763 | 2727 W 4th St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Cedar Falls Gospel Hall | 319-277-8011 | 1302 Walnut St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Cedar Heights Baptist Church Garbc | 319-277-3889 | 2430 Neola St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Cedar Heights Presbyterian Ch | 319-268-0153 | 2015 Rainbow Dr | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Church of Christ Cedarloo | 319-266-5039 | 3110 Loma St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 319-277-7907 | Garden & Pleasant Dr | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
East Janesville United Methodist Churc | 319-984-6146 | RR 1 | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
First Baptist Church | 319-266-2655 | 1907 Viking Rd | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
First Christian Church | 319-266-5959 | 1302 W 11th St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 319-268-1240 | 701 W 6th St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
First Church of the Open Bible | 319-268-0746 | 5810 Cedar Heights Dr | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
First Presbyterian Church | 319-277-3930 | 902 Main St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
First United Methodist Church Cedar Fa | 319-266-1713 | 723 Washington St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Fredsville Evangelical Lutheran Church | 319-989-2065 | 32756 150th St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Greenhill Baptist Church | 319-266-0441 | 4316 Cedar Heights Dr | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Lutheran Church | 319-266-1653 | 2616 College St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Nazareth Evangelical Lutheran Church | 319-266-7589 | Univ & Main | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Orchard Hill Church | 319-266-9796 | 1215 Elmridge Dr | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Missouri | 319-266-2509 | 904 Bluff St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 319-553-0576 | 9th & Clay | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
St John Lutheran Church Elca | 319-268-0165 | 715 College St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
St Patrick Catholic Church | 319-266-4183 | 2812 Willow Ln | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
United Church of Christ The | 319-266-9686 | 9204 University Ave | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Valley View Baptist Church Abc | 319-266-8054 | 815 Orchard Dr | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Wesley Foundation Um Campus Ministry | 319-266-4071 | 2422 College St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
Wesley Foundation Um Campus Ministry | 319-268-0292 | 1902 W 3rd St | Cedar Falls | IA | 50613 |
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