Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Waterloo, IA 50701
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Waterloo IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aj Pickerman's Sandwich Shoppe | 319-235-7148 | 129 E Tower Park Dr | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Beck's Sports Brewery | 319-234-4333 | 3295 University Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Bishop's Buffet | 319-233-5254 | Crossroads Shopping | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Burger King | 319-234-6669 | 1215 Ansborough Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Burger King | 319-235-7910 | 109 Jefferson St | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Burger King | 319-287-4246 | 102 Tower Park Dr | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Casey's 218 Pub | 319-234-0862 | 4014 University Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Crazy Buffett | 319-433-1291 | 3551 University Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Crazy Suckers | 319-232-0303 | 3555 University Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Culver's Frozen Custard Restaurant | 319-291-6640 | 209 E Tower Park Dr | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Fazolis | 319-236-2731 | 441 E Tower Park Dr | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Five Sullivan Brothers Convention Cent | 319-233-7560 | W 4th & Commercial | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Happy Chef | 319-236-3689 | 218 W Mullan Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Hardee's Family Restaurants | 319-235-1287 | 3110 University Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Hwy 63 Diner | 319-232-0635 | 3030 Marnie Rd | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 319-234-1107 | 3775 University Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Perkins Restaurant | 319-235-6595 | 3280 University Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Quizno's Oven Baked Subs | 319-287-4433 | 207 E Tower Park Dr | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Rudy's Tacos | 319-234-5686 | 2401 Falls Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Sub City | 319-235-7670 | Kimball & Ridgeway A | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
Village Inn | 319-291-2010 | 212 W Ridgeway Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50701 |
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