Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Waterloo, IA 50703
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Waterloo IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Boardwalk Deli | 319-233-9160 | 206 E 4th St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Carpenter's Lunch East | 319-233-9144 | 415 E 5th St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Cedar Valley Fish Market | 319-236-2965 | 218 Division St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Cu Restaurant | 319-274-8888 | 320 E 4th St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
D & K Hickory House | 319-233-9111 | 315 Park Rd | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Hardee's Family Restaurants | 319-236-2595 | 805 Franklin St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Jones Place | 319-232-9608 | 729 Mobile St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
La Michoacana | 319-236-9990 | 1221 Franklin St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Maid-Rite Logan Av | 319-235-7026 | 2076 Logan Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
McDonalds Restaurants | 319-233-9588 | 2222 Logan Ave | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Morg's | 319-234-2416 | 520 Mulberry St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Sookie's Restaurant | 319-235-7642 | 506 Argyle St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Sub City 2 | 319-236-2300 | 118 E 4th St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Taco John's | 319-233-3476 | 602 Broadway St | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
Z's Restaurant & Lounge | 319-234-8717 | 3937 W Airline Hwy | Waterloo | IA | 50703 |
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