Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Dubuque, IA 52001
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Dubuque IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Dubuque Community Y Preschool & Day | 563-556-3371 | 35 N Booth St | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Dubuque Montessori | 563-556-5101 | 2605 Pennsylvania Ave | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Dubuque Schools Holy Family Catholic | 563-556-1511 | 2981 Central Ave | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Dubuque Schools Holy Family Catholic | 563-582-5456 | 2005 Kane St | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Early Learners Child Development Cen | 563-583-3501 | 3495 Windsor Ave | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Holy Family Catholic Schools | 563-582-1246 | 1225 Alta Vista St | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Holy Family Catholic Schools | 563-582-2578 | 1703 Rhomberg Ave | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Holy Family Catholic Schools | 563-556-2820 | 2175 Rosedale Ave | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Holy Family Catholic Schools | 563-582-5153 | 1600 White St | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Prodigy Child Development | 563-588-2800 | 715 W Locust St | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Young Uns Child Care Center | 563-584-0845 | 3045 Kaufmann Ave | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
Young Uns Child Care Center | 563-584-9284 | 3015 W 32nd St | Dubuque | IA | 52001 |
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