Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Dubuque, IA 52002
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Dubuque IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 563-583-3131 | 1395 Associates Dr | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Arby's | 563-582-8629 | 1755 John F Kennedy Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Asian King Buffet Restaurant | 563-556-6888 | 800 Wacker Dr | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Burger King Restaurant | 563-556-3621 | 1350 John F Kennedy Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Culver's Frozen Custard | 563-588-3898 | 4800 Asbury Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Dairy Queen Drive-In | 563-582-5960 | 4039 Pennsylvania Ave | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Golden Corral Restaurant | 563-588-4882 | 1545 Associates Dr | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Ground Round | 563-556-3540 | 50 John F Kennedy Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Hudson's Classic Grill | 563-588-1024 | 2345 NW Arterial | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
International House of Pancakes | 563-584-0077 | 1785 John F Kennedy Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 563-556-3767 | 1725 John F Kennedy Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppes | 563-556-1557 | 1500 John F Kennedy Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Mc Donald's of Dubuque | 563-582-9608 | 1915 John F Kennedy Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Panera Bread | 563-690-1719 | 3425 Kennedy Cir | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Pickle-Barrell Subs | 563-556-4423 | 3330 Asbury Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Rhody's Food & Spirits | 563-585-1500 | 14167 Old Highway Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Taco Bell | 563-583-8517 | 3300 Hillcrest Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Village Inn | 563-556-0893 | 1940 John F Kennedy Rd | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
Wendy's Hamburgers | 563-556-6477 | 810 Wacker Dr | Dubuque | IA | 52002 |
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