Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Barbers in Iowa City, IA 52240
* Each listing below of Barbers Information for Iowa City IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cost Cutters | 319-248-2678 | 1661 S 1st Ave | Iowa City | IA | 52240 |
Dq'z Barber Salon | 319-337-3317 | 349 E College St | Iowa City | IA | 52240 |
Hair Art | 319-358-7811 | 336 S Clinton St Ste 21 | Iowa City | IA | 52240 |
Hawkeye Barbers | 319-354-1239 | 124 S Clinton St | Iowa City | IA | 52240 |
Head Hunters Barber Shop | 319-351-3300 | 2217 Muscatine Ave Ste A | Iowa City | IA | 52240 |
Livery Barber Stylists The | 319-338-1068 | 336 S Clinton St Ste 14 | Iowa City | IA | 52240 |
Michael Tschantz Salon | 319-337-3015 | 330 S Clinton St | Iowa City | IA | 52240 |
Precision Designs Inc | 319-337-7606 | 1705 S 1st Ave | Iowa City | IA | 52240 |
Red's World Barber | 319-338-9536 | 24 S Clinton St | Iowa City | IA | 52240 |
Stan's Barber Stylists | 319-351-2861 | 111 S Linn St | Iowa City | IA | 52240 |
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