Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Clive, IA 50325
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Clive IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A New You Electrolysis | 515-278-8114 | 2175 NW 86th St Ste 6 | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Abella Salon & Bath Body Shop | 515-327-5980 | 13435 University Ave Ste 400 | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Amanda Cory | 515-440-1538 | 8800 Swanson Blvd | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Anthony's Hair Concepts | 515-225-8570 | 8365 University Blvd | Clive | IA | 50325 |
At Last | 515-225-1612 | 8801 University Ave | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Beau Monde Salon & Spa | 515-221-1101 | 2214 Woodlands Pkwy | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Cost Cutters | 515-440-3369 | 1649 NW 86th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Hair Team | 515-224-0063 | 8421 University Blvd Ste C | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Hi Energy Weight Control Center | 515-331-8910 | 1985 NW 94th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Jan's Beauty Shoppe | 515-278-4458 | 1900 NW 82nd St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Just Hair | 515-278-4167 | 8828 Swanson Blvd | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Misfitz Salon | 515-453-9558 | 8350 Hickman Rd Ste 12 | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Morris Kelly | 515-226-1562 | 8820 Swanson Blvd | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Oliver Francesca | 515-225-2202 | 8820 Swanson Blvd Ste 114 | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Salon G | 515-225-7500 | 8527 University Blvd Ste 10 | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Salon Monet | 515-987-9050 | 2180 NW 156th St Ste 110 | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Salon West | 515-278-0788 | 8820 Swanson Blvd Ste 102 | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Styleworks Salon | 515-270-9480 | 12871 University Ave Ste 110 | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Trahvae Freraire Studio | 515-277-3742 | 7500 University Ave Ste B | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Westown Salon & Spa | 515-252-8840 | 9932 Swanson Blvd | Clive | IA | 50325 |
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