Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Des Moines, IA 50313
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Des Moines IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Reformed Church | 515-265-0508 | 720 NE 52nd Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Celebration of Christ Church | 515-253-0739 | 530 NE Broadway Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Church of Christ | 515-262-6799 | 1310 NE 54th Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Des Moines First Friends Church | 515-279-1879 | 4100 6th Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Epworth United Methodist Churc | 515-243-3817 | 412 Euclid Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Highland Park Church of the Nazarene | 515-244-7489 | 4335 NW 6th Dr | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Highland Park Lutheran Church | 515-244-6517 | 147 E Euclid Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Hmong Alliance Church | 515-243-8223 | 4320 NE 3rd St | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Marquisville United Methodist Churc | 515-262-4261 | 5345 NE 14th St | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 515-282-7947 | 3100 2nd Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Northridge Baptist Church | 515-246-9967 | 3700 6th Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Our Saviour Lutheran Church Lcms | 515-244-9347 | 4003 2nd Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Storehouse Ministries | 515-244-3474 | 175 NW 57th Pl | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
True Bible Baptist Church | 515-243-8227 | 4101 Amherst St | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
Vietnamese Evangelical Church | 515-284-7401 | 4291 NE 6th St | Des Moines | IA | 50313 |
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