Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Des Moines, IA 50316
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Des Moines IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel A M E Church | 515-266-1205 | 1528 E University Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Christ Apostolic Academy | 515-265-9002 | 1619 E University Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Christ Apostolic Temple | 515-265-2417 | 1230 E 17th St | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Evangelical Lutheran Church Rural De | 515-266-2919 | 2930 E 13th St | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Evangelistic Missionary Church in Chris | 515-262-7429 | 1340 E 18th St | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Korean United Methodist Church | 515-261-0600 | 1009 Guthrie Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Lighthouse Full Gospel Baptist Church | 515-262-3800 | 1600 Capitol Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Luther Memorial Church Elca | 515-262-1392 | 1201 Grandview Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Maplestreet Missionary Baptist Church | 515-262-1931 | 1552 Maple St | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Miller United Methodist Church | 515-266-3886 | 3016 E 13th St | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Pilgrim Baptist Church | 515-262-6203 | 1732 Walker St | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
True Vine Church | 515-263-0250 | 1247 McCormick St | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Union Baptist Church | 515-262-0740 | E Univ & McCormi | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Union Baptist Church | 515-262-1785 | E Univ & McCormick | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Union Baptist Church | 515-265-5185 | 1348 McCormick St | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Union Park Presby Church | 515-266-4700 | 1307 Thompson Ave | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Union Park United Methodist Churc | 515-262-2875 | 2305 E 12th St | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
Vine Street Gospel Chapel The | 515-266-7735 | 1441 E Vine St | Des Moines | IA | 50316 |
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