Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Urbandale, IA 50322
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Urbandale IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Diabetes Association | 515-276-2237 | 6200 Aurora Ave | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
American Legion Post 663 | 515-278-8940 | 6805 Douglas Ave | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Arthritis Foundation Iowa Chapter | 515-278-0636 | 2600 72nd St | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Biller & Associates | 515-270-1905 | 8525 Douglas Ave | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Des Moines Youth Hockey | 515-309-6299 | 5100 NW 72nd St | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Farm Bureau Financial Services | 515-276-7206 | 3757 86th St | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Girl Scouts | 515-278-2881 | 10715 Hickman Rd | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Iowa Association of Community Provi | 515-270-9495 | 7025 Hickman Rd Ste 5 | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Iowa Bed & Breakfast Guild | 515-278-8700 | 9001 Hickman Rd Ste 220 | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Iowa Golf Association | 515-331-3603 | 8515 Douglas Ave Ste 25 | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Iowa Grocery Industry Association | 515-270-2628 | 2540 106th St | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Iowa Limestone Producers Assn | 515-262-8668 | 5911 Meredith Dr | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Iowa Pharmacy Assn | 515-270-0713 | 8515 Douglas Ave Ste 16 | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Iowa Soybean Association | 515-251-8640 | 4554 114th St | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Iowa Telecommunications Association | 515-867-2091 | 2987 100th St | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
National Electrical Contractors Ass | 515-278-2341 | 3260 99th St | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Urbandale Chamber of Commerce | 515-331-6855 | 3600 86th St | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
Urbandale Sports Association Sof | 515-276-3246 | 9000 Douglas Ave | Urbandale | IA | 50322 |
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