Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Clive, IA 50325
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Clive IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 515-222-9474 | 11410 Forest Ave | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Bakers Square Restaurant & Pi | 515-224-0808 | 1310 NW 114th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Bruegger's Bagel Bakery | 515-225-4444 | 1650 NW 86th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Burger King | 515-334-7488 | 2170 NW 100th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Cheddar's Casual Cafe | 515-222-3129 | 1301 NW 114th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Chili's Grill & Bar | 515-226-1744 | 11411 Forest Ave | Clive | IA | 50325 |
El Rodeo Mexican Restaurant | 515-440-2210 | 1310 NW 118th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Granite City Food & Brewery | 515-224-1300 | 12801 University Ave | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Hardee's Restaurants | 515-225-0410 | 8755 University Ave | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Mazatlan Mexican Restaurant | 515-334-9693 | 9974 Swanson Blvd | Clive | IA | 50325 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 515-222-1982 | 11400 Forest Ave | Clive | IA | 50325 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 515-223-6142 | 1689 NW 86th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Mi Mexico | 515-222-6933 | 11407 Forest Ave | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Monterrey Restaurante Mexicano | 515-457-8900 | 8801 University Ave Ste 29 | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Nick's Bar & Grill | 515-221-1338 | 9769 University Ave | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Outback Steakhouse | 515-221-3309 | 10901 University Ave | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Quiznos at Country Club Plaza | 515-987-0703 | 15700 Hickman Rd | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Ryans Family Steak House | 515-270-8620 | 1900 NW 86th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Saigon Cafe | 515-253-0908 | 1945 NW 86th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Taco Johns | 515-222-1700 | 8575 University Blvd | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 515-987-2055 | 15900 Hickman Rd | Clive | IA | 50325 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 515-278-2630 | 1925 NW 86th St | Clive | IA | 50325 |
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