Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Davenport, IA 52804
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Davenport IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adventure Christian Community Churc | 563-391-6707 | 1022 Calvin St | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Baha'i Center | 563-324-6610 | 2318 W 10th St | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Berean Baptist Church Garbc | 563-386-4332 | 3103 W 13th St | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Berean Baptist Church Garbc | 563-386-4370 | 3222 W 13th St | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Church of Latter Day Saints | 563-388-6300 | 3023 N Michigan Ave | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Community Fellowship Church | 563-381-4947 | 10470 145th St | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Faith United Methodist Church | 563-391-0596 | 3322 W Lombard St | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Good News Center | 563-386-9772 | 2627 Hickory Grove Rd | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Grace Fellowship Hall | 563-326-5840 | 2651 Telegraph Rd | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Heritage Free Will Baptist Church | 563-386-0282 | 1601 N Utah Ave | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Holy Family Church | 563-322-0901 | 1315 W Pleasant St | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Humility of Mary Center | 563-323-9466 | 820 W Central Park Ave | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
New Life Baptist Church | 563-381-4068 | 7780 W Locust St | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Sisters of Humility | 563-326-3257 | 1310 W Pleasant St | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Sovereign Grace Missionary Bapt | 563-386-2322 | 1709 Wisconsin Ave | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
Trinity Deanery | 563-323-8001 | 1122 W Central Park Ave | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
West Park Presbyterian Church | 563-386-5278 | 4209 W Locust St | Davenport | IA | 52804 |
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