Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Bettendorf, IA 52722
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Bettendorf IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's | 563-823-0115 | 3525 Middle Rd | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Bennigan's Grill & Tavern | 563-355-9320 | 909 Middle Rd | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Bruegger's Bagel Bakery | 563-359-4540 | 1503 Kimberly Rd | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Burger King 11231 | 563-449-8060 | 2951 Devils Glen Rd | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Fazoli's Restaurant | 563-344-8818 | 2312 Spruce Hills Dr | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Food Lee | 563-355-5573 | 2329 Cumberland Square Dr | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Hal's Wagon Wheel | 563-823-0254 | 1708 State St | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Isle of Capri Bettendorf | 563-359-7280 | 1777 Isle Pkwy | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Jumer's Restaurant | 563-359-1607 | 900 Spruce Hills Dr | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Maid-Rite | 563-355-5118 | 779 Middle Rd | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
McDonald's | 563-355-7271 | 836 Middle Rd | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
McDonald's | 563-359-4776 | 2460 State St | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Mickey's Country Cafe | 563-359-5634 | 4405 State St | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Overtime Sports Pub & Grub | 563-332-2068 | 3700 Belmont Rd | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Paddlewheel Sports Bar & Grill | 563-344-9646 | 221 15th St | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Pfitz's Fast Lane | 563-359-5911 | 3408 State St | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Ross' Restaurant | 563-355-7573 | 430 14th St | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Rudy's Tacos | 563-332-1313 | 3111 Devils Glen Rd | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Su Casa Taco House | 563-359-1735 | 3811 State St | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Subway | 563-355-8688 | 1789 Kimberly Rd | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
The Grinders & Spaghetti House | 563-355-1722 | 2171 Kimberly Rd | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Trattoria Tiramisu Cucina Italiana | 563-323-2787 | 1804 State St | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Village Inn Restaurant and Bakery | 563-359-9111 | 12 Estate Ct | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburger | 563-355-1002 | 2435 Spruce Hills Dr | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
What's for Dinner Tonite | 563-355-1511 | 2521 18th St | Bettendorf | IA | 52722 |
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