Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Davenport, IA 52803
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Davenport IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Mississippi | 563-324-5673 | 1702 Iowa St | Davenport | IA | 52803 |
Community Resources Corp | 563-323-3132 | 605 N Main St | Davenport | IA | 52803 |
Family Resources Inc | 563-326-6431 | 2800 Eastern Ave | Davenport | IA | 52803 |
Jaycee's Davenport | 563-322-6343 | 2940 Brady St | Davenport | IA | 52803 |
Junior League of the Quad Cities | 563-326-0623 | 2208 E 11th St | Davenport | IA | 52803 |
Lammers Michael | 563-355-5620 | 2514 E Locust St | Davenport | IA | 52803 |
Lutheran Services in Iowa | 563-322-6995 | 223 E 15th St | Davenport | IA | 52803 |
Lutheran Services in Iowa | 563-322-7419 | 111 W 15th St | Davenport | IA | 52803 |
Salvation Army The | 563-324-4808 | 301 W 6th St | Davenport | IA | 52803 |
United Neighbors Inc | 563-322-7363 | 808 N Harrison St | Davenport | IA | 52803 |
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