Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Ames, IA 50010
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Ames IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ascension Lutheran Church | 515-232-3815 | 615 Kellogg Ave | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Bethesda Christian Nursery School | 515-232-6256 | 1517 Northwestern Ave | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Body of Christ Christian Worsh | 515-296-0356 | 114 5th St | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 515-232-6329 | 1403 24th St | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 515-232-4506 | 2300 Fillmore Ave | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Campus Baptist Church | 515-232-6022 | 57011 US Highway 30 | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Christ Apostolic Faith Temple | 515-233-5619 | 330 Main St | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 515-232-3634 | 2524 Hoover Ave | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Cornerstone Church Facility | 515-233-6542 | 56829 US Highway 30 | Ames | IA | 50010 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 515-232-6078 | 123 6th St | Ames | IA | 50010 |
First United Methodist Church | 515-232-2750 | 516 Kellogg Ave | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Friends Meeting Quaker | 515-232-4610 | 121 S Maple Ave | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Grand Ave Baptist Church Sbc | 515-232-8803 | 612 24th St | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Jesus' Right Hand | 515-232-3074 | 110 Duff Ave | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Korean United Methodist Church | 515-233-1063 | 6147 US Highway 69 | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Napier United Methodist Church | 515-292-1482 | RR 3 | Ames | IA | 50010 |
North Grand Christian Church | 515-232-1060 | 919 30th St | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Northminster Presbyterian Ch | 515-233-2540 | 1416 20th St | Ames | IA | 50010 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 515-232-5838 | 1435 Wilson Ave | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Stonebrooke Community Church | 515-232-6290 | 3611 Eisenhower Ave | Ames | IA | 50010 |
Unity Church of Ames | 515-233-1613 | 226 9th St | Ames | IA | 50010 |
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