Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sioux City, IA 51104
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sioux City IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bellevue Ballroom | 712-258-2015 | 2110 Summit St | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
Book People | 712-258-1471 | 2901 Hamilton Blvd | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
Faith | 712-258-4820 | 3101 Hamilton Blvd | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
First Congregational United Church O | 712-239-3385 | 4600 Hamilton Blvd | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
First Lutheran Church Elca | 712-239-5478 | 3607 Court St | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
First United Methodist Church | 712-258-0119 | 1915 Nebraska St | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
Heartland Community Baptist Church | 712-255-5989 | 3601 Country Club Blvd | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
Northside Alliance Church | 712-255-5901 | 2900 Cheyenne Blvd | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
Our Savior's El Renacimiento | 712-252-1207 | 1924 Jones St | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
Siouxland First Wiccan Congregation | 712-258-4197 | 2712 Court St | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
Trimble United Methodist Churc | 712-255-5766 | 1416 27th St | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
Trimble United Methodist Churc | 712-252-2883 | 1424 27th St | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 712-239-2382 | 3700 Indian Hills Dr | Sioux City | IA | 51104 |
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