Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sioux City, IA 51106
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sioux City IA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Becky's Portraits Inc | 712-274-0257 | 425 S Rustin St | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Bethel Baptist Church Cba | 712-276-1162 | 4212 Gordon Dr | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Buchanan Ave Baptist Church | 712-276-0675 | 1567 Buchanan Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Christian Science Church & Readin | 712-255-4594 | 2625 Correctionville Rd | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Church of Christ | 712-274-1000 | 1218 S Glass St | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
First Church of the Nazarene | 712-276-2961 | 4700 Stone Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Galaxie Sound Productions | 712-274-7301 | 3500 5th Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 712-276-3452 | 1735 Morningside Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 712-276-8835 | 3217 S Cypress St | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Greene Walter Pstr | 712-258-0405 | 1478 Buchanan Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Hagberg John F Rev | 712-276-2552 | 2601 S Lyon St | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Morningside Baptist Church | 712-276-2217 | 2841 S Olive St | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Morningside Bible Church | 712-276-3721 | 6100 Morningside Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Morningside Lutheran Church | 712-276-2511 | 700 S Martha St | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Morningside Presbyterian Ch | 712-276-3121 | 4327 Morningside Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Prince & Princess Limousine | 712-276-1177 | PO Box 2473 | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Redeemer | 712-276-1125 | 3204 S Lakeport St | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Southern Hills Baptist Church Sbc | 712-276-9376 | 4301 Old Lakeport Rd | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
St James United Methodist Churc | 712-276-2667 | 2032 S Cypress St | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
St Luke Lutheran Church | 712-276-3346 | 2039 S Saint Aubin St | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
St Mark Lutheran Church | 712-276-2418 | 5200 Glenn Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Sunkist Bakery | 712-276-9422 | 4607 Morningside Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Third Presbyterian Church | 712-276-3853 | 2925 Chicago Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
United Methodist District Superi | 712-274-5402 | 3609 Peters Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 712-276-3613 | 2915 Glenn Ave | Sioux City | IA | 51106 |
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