Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Boise, ID 83705
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Boise ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Boise at Its Best Flowers | 208-342-4885 | 717 S Vista Ave | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Calvary Chapel Treasue Valley | 208-342-1072 | 5312 W Overland Rd | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Center of Peace | 208-343-0864 | 420 S Orchard St | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Church of Jesus Christ of | 208-343-9883 | 3100 S Vista Ave Ste 300 | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Cornerstone Community Church | 208-344-9098 | 1023 S Curtis Rd | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Missouri | 208-343-4690 | 5009 Cassia St | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Lee's Candies | 208-344-1441 | 840 S Vista Ave | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Red Rock Christian Church | 208-342-2380 | 1124 S Roosevelt St | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Redeemer Lutheran Church | 208-344-6758 | 2920 Cassia St | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Two Ravens Retreat Center | 208-331-1470 | 421 S Curtis Rd | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Whitney Baptist Church | 208-345-8430 | 2301 Nez Perce St | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Whitney Baptist Church | 208-343-1942 | 2309 W Dorian St | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Whitney Friends Church | 208-342-5702 | 3102 Palouse St | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Whitney United Methodist Churc | 208-343-2892 | 3315 W Overland Rd | Boise | ID | 83705 |
Wright Congregational United Church O | 208-343-0292 | 4821 W Franklin Rd | Boise | ID | 83705 |
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