Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Boise, ID 83704
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Boise ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ackerman Robert | 208-376-7954 | 10200 W Emerald St Ste 105 | Boise | ID | 83704 |
American Academy of Pediatric Denti | 208-377-2072 | 3270 N Maple Grove Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
American Academy of Pediatric Denti | 208-377-2150 | 6363 W Emerald St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Anderson Damon Dntst | 208-376-2721 | 2455 N Milwaukee St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Arave Richard | 208-375-0607 | 8259 Northview St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Bay Pointe Dental Center | 208-376-6346 | 7878 Ustick Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Bay Pointe II Dental Center | 208-322-0040 | 7800 Ustick Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Bingham Michael J Dds | 208-323-1990 | 3308 N Milwaukee St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Blair Lon E Dentist | 208-376-2891 | 6540 W Emerald St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Blaser Herbert R Dentist | 208-376-9280 | 2104 N Cole Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Boise Endodontics | 208-376-6307 | 6363 W Emerald St Ste 102 | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Boise Oral and Maxillofacial S | 208-376-4550 | 6363 W Emerald St Ste 103 | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Boise Orthodontic Associates | 208-375-5011 | 7373 W Emerald St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Boise Orthodontics | 208-377-5522 | 2136 N Cole Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Boise Periodontics | 208-375-9480 | 1228 N Cole Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Bradley Robertson Dds | 208-322-1747 | 1212 N Cole Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Brewster Carrick C Dentist | 208-376-7447 | 7337 Northview St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Bruce J Macmillan Dds | 208-323-7999 | 1744 N Mitchell St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Bruce Steven M Dmd Pa | 208-376-2920 | Baypointe Dental Ctr | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Claiborne Wayne L Dds | 208-336-4777 | 10552 W Garverdale Ct | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Cook Don R Dds Dentist | 208-377-8078 | 8300 Northview St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Cook Victor Dds P A | 208-322-5522 | 7910 Ustick Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Curtis Thomas R Pa | 208-375-0600 | 3224 N Maple Grove Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Cutler A Riley Dds | 208-375-0524 | 8119 Ustick Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Cutler David W Dds Pa | 208-375-4544 | 8336 Northview St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Daniel Robert W Dmd | 208-375-7786 | 9502 W Fairview Ave | Boise | ID | 83704 |
David G Northness General Dmd | 208-377-8383 | 1166 N Cole Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Davis Wayne M | 208-375-8720 | 9733 Ustick Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Digrazia Robert E Dds | 208-376-7413 | 900 N Liberty St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Discovery Dental | 208-323-8545 | 7550 W Emerald St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Emerald Dental Associates | 208-376-7740 | 7235 W Emerald St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Emerald West Family Dentistry Pllc | 208-323-2294 | 8660 W Emerald St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Evan Hathaway Dds Fdocs Pa | 208-377-1161 | 7677 W Emerald St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Five Mile Dental Center | 208-375-5720 | 10497 W Garverdale Ct | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Gudmundsen Robert Dgn Dentist | 208-376-8573 | 1714 N Cole Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Hizel John E Jr | 208-375-0192 | 10162 W Fairview Ave | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Kelson R Paul Dds Ms Pa | 208-378-1300 | 10497 W Garverdale Ct Ste 103 | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Korth B Elliott Dds | 208-378-9280 | 8219 Northview St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Matunas John C Dds Pa | 208-377-0252 | 8000 Ustick Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Peck Robert T Dmd | 208-322-2727 | 7480 Northview St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Peterson Wayne R | 208-322-8877 | 2427 N Cole Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Rita Ann Harding Dds | 208-375-0665 | 900 N Liberty St Ste 304 | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Rodell Stephen J | 208-375-9488 | 10480 W Garverdale Ct | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Ruppel Linda J Dds | 208-377-5523 | 7669 W Emerald St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Spencer Jamison R Dmd Pa | 208-376-3600 | 2030 N Cole Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Stillings Fred Dmd | 208-377-3206 | 10552 W Garverdale Ct Ste 910 | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Taylor Brandon L Dmd | 208-658-0859 | 3271 N Milwaukee St | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Tingey Terrell F | 208-375-0631 | 2020 N Cole Rd | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Turpen Gary L Dds | 208-321-1150 | 10497 W Garverdale Ct Ste 105 | Boise | ID | 83704 |
Valerie Kellbach Dds | 208-323-2010 | 10552 W Garverdale Ct Ste 904 | Boise | ID | 83704 |
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