Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Pocatello, ID 83204
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Pocatello ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Cut Above | 208-232-7009 | 920 Dolbeer St | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
Center Stage Hair | 208-234-7838 | 234 S Main St | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
Essentials | 208-232-3200 | 2255 Bannock Hwy | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
Fringe the Styling Salon | 208-478-1111 | 115 S Main St | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
Gossip Central | 208-234-1246 | 840 N Main St | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
Henry's Hair Design | 208-232-5233 | 151 S Arthur Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
Hot Hair | 208-233-8456 | 200 N Main St | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
Image Designers | 208-232-3112 | 1108 S Main St # D | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
La Bella Vita Salon & Spa | 208-232-8350 | 127 N Main St | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
Lori's Mane Attractions | 208-232-8181 | 51 Ravine Dr | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
Salon 560 | 208-233-8310 | 560 S Arthur Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
Sheik Design Day Spa and Salon | 208-232-0084 | 308 W Center St | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
T & T's Hair Dynamics | 208-233-5900 | 200 S Main St Ste B | Pocatello | ID | 83204 |
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