Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pocatello, ID 83201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pocatello ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 208-233-8281 | 401 N 5th Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Calvary Alliance Church | 208-237-2120 | 800 Marinus Ln | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Calvary Chapel | 208-237-9500 | 1633 Olympus Dr | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Christ's Love Vineyard | 208-234-1977 | Westwood Mall Ste Ste | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Church of Christ | 208-237-0758 | 3224 Hawthorne Rd | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-478-8981 | 4th & Fredregill Rd | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-233-8117 | 1701 Bartz Way | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-234-4030 | 930 E Alameda Rd | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-237-4985 | 3444 Hawthorne Rd | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-234-1527 | 1440 Lakeview Dr | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-234-0195 | 650 N 7th Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-232-0535 | 592 Roosevelt Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-237-6560 | 12146 W Tyhee Rd | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Cornerstone Chapel | 208-233-6044 | 455 N 4th Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 208-237-2391 | 856 W Eldredge Rd | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
First Presbyterian Church | 208-232-3439 | 202 S 7th Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Gate City Baptist Church | 208-232-8693 | 500 W Maple St | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 208-237-0467 | 1350 Baldy Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd E | 208-232-7740 | 215 N 18th Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Pocatello Baptist Church | 208-237-4915 | 190 W Chapel Rd | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
Rocky Mountain Ministries | 208-232-3515 | 845 Hyde Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
University Bible Church | 208-234-1971 | 845 N 9th Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83201 |
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