Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Pocatello, ID 83202
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Pocatello ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arctic Circle | 208-237-2650 | 4488 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Burger King | 208-237-3302 | 4508 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Chapala Mexican Resturant | 208-238-3365 | 117 W Burnside Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Denny's Restaurant | 208-238-1223 | 4310 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Fazolis Restaurant | 208-637-2900 | 4333 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Green T Bar & Grill | 208-237-0354 | 4010 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Ihop | 208-637-2200 | 4122 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Johnny B Goode's | 208-237-6113 | 4564 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Mama Inez Authentic Mexican Cuisine | 208-237-1792 | 140 W Chubbuck Rd | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 208-237-2088 | 4260 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Me-N-Lous | 208-237-2720 | 4225 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Mystique Chamber Theaters & Even | 208-238-8001 | 158 E Chubbuck Rd | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Ramada & Convention Center | 208-237-0020 | 133 W Burnside Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 208-238-7700 | 4105 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
Wendys Old Fashion Hamburgers | 208-238-8349 | 4519 Yellowstone Ave | Pocatello | ID | 83202 |
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