Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Idaho Falls, ID 83402
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Idaho Falls ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bella Capelli Salon | 208-529-4247 | 446 Park Ave | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
Brian Young Salon | 208-542-1020 | 548 Shoup Ave | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
Centennial Salon | 208-542-1382 | 350 W Sunnyside Rd | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
Creations Hair and Nail Salon | 208-529-3236 | 1498 Curtis Ave | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
Illusions Styling Studio | 208-522-4864 | 675 W Broadway St | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
Josie's Styling Salon | 208-523-5389 | 1574 W Broadway St | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
Mg Hair Design | 208-522-0573 | 1774 Curtis Ave | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
New Images | 208-524-3631 | 1733 W Broadway St | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
Ross Hair Fashion | 208-523-2401 | 305 Cliff St | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
The Hare Cut Salon | 208-522-7661 | 699 Park Ave | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
Vogue Beauty Salon & College | 208-523-2520 | 247 Cliff St | Idaho Falls | ID | 83402 |
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