Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Nampa, ID 83651
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Nampa ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Blimpie Subs & Salads | 208-467-5332 | 2207 N Cassia St | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Chicago Connection Pizza | 208-467-1177 | 1515 N Midland Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Civic Center-Nampa | 208-468-5500 | 311 3rd St S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Cobby's Sandwich Shops | 208-461-3740 | 608 12th Ave S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Copper Canyon Catering | 208-461-0887 | 113 13th Ave S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 208-467-5529 | 177 Caldwell Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Marrianne's Deli and Coffee | 208-463-9490 | 318 Caldwell Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Noodles Pizza Pasta Pizzazz | 208-466-4400 | I-84 Franklin | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Southern Barbeque Grill | 208-465-4510 | 218 12th Ave S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Subway | 208-466-7189 | 1104 Caldwell Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
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