Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Nampa, ID 83651
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Nampa ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assemblies of God District Busine | 208-466-8101 | 711 Lone Star Rd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Authentic Rose Corner | 208-466-4510 | 228 Caldwell Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Church of Christ | 208-466-1589 | 53 N Yale St | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-318-0113 | 7809 Deer Flat Rd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-318-0351 | 121 N Canyon St | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-318-0313 | 142 Smith Ave | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Church of the Open Door | 208-466-0937 | 1311 6th St S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Church of the Rock | 208-466-6367 | 224 12th Ave S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
First Baptist Church of Nampa | 208-466-3440 | 1417 3rd St S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
First Christian Church Disciples of Ch | 208-466-3566 | 619 12th Ave S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
First Congregational Church Ucc | 208-466-6581 | 55 S Midland Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Grace Bible Church | 208-466-1751 | 1415 Lone Star Rd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Greater Life Church | 208-468-8827 | 723 13th Ave S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Hart Sarah | 208-463-4774 | 2435 Pisces Dr | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Harvest Life Church | 208-465-7327 | 2513 Sundance Rd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Highlights Photography | 208-465-5892 | 315 9th Ave S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Lutheran Church-Trinity | 208-466-2173 | 8 S Midland Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Nampa Bible Church | 208-465-7687 | 21 Wall St | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Nampa Christian Center | 208-466-7765 | 1423 2nd St S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Nazarene Church of The | 208-466-5364 | 1524 6th St S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Real Life Community Church | 208-465-1771 | 423 18th Ave S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
Sandstone Event Center | 208-467-0034 | 404 12th Ave S | Nampa | ID | 83651 |
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