Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Nampa, ID 83686
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Nampa ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Church of the Nazarene | 208-466-6344 | 3001 12th Ave Rd | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 208-465-9842 | 107 S Juniper St | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-318-0316 | 3904 E Greenhurst Rd | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-442-5537 | 607 Locust | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-461-9633 | 3105 Sunnyridge Rd | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Gerry Slabaugh Photography | 208-466-0512 | 905 S 20th St | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Greenhurst Bible Church | 208-467-3960 | 5423 E Greenhurst Rd | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Harvest Fellowship Baptist Church | 208-467-3588 | 2620 Pebble Way | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Jeannie's Bridal Lace & Fabric | 208-467-1987 | 2520 S Powerline Rd | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Lake Shore Drive Baptist Church | 208-466-9390 | 8885 Lake Shore Dr | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Lutheran Brethren Church | 208-466-0065 | 730 W Roosevelt Ave | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Messiah Lutheran Church | 208-467-2573 | 534 W Iowa Ave | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Nampa First Southern Baptist Church | 208-466-0682 | 1311 E Sherman Ave | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Nampa Free Will Baptist Church | 208-466-1578 | 550 W Locust Ln | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
New Covenant Baptist Church | 208-466-5526 | 624 Lake Lowell Ave | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 208-466-0312 | 904 12th Ave Rd | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Sawtooth Winery | 208-467-1200 | 13750 Surrey Ln | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Southside Boulevard United Methodis | 208-467-1087 | 5420 Southside Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Victory Christian Church | 208-465-3422 | 504 S Diamond St | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Zion Lutheran Church Lc Ms | 208-466-6746 | 404 Nectarine St | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
Zion Lutheran School Lc Ms | 208-466-9141 | 1012 12th Ave Rd | Nampa | ID | 83686 |
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