Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Nampa, ID 83687
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Nampa ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Je | 208-466-4270 | 504 1st N Street Ext | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Boom Town Fireworks | 208-466-4061 | 16056 Midland Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Church of God of Prophecy | 208-463-8838 | 1012 11th Ave N | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-318-0365 | 6111 Birch Ln | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Crossroads Community Church | 208-463-9070 | 4152 E Amity Ave | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Franklin Community Church | 208-465-3662 | 8499 Highway 20/26 | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Loveinc Treasure Valley | 208-466-7810 | 16446 Franklin Rd | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
McKellip Ponds Nursery & Statuary | 208-466-6819 | 18120 Dean Ln | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Nampa Mennonite Church | 208-466-9174 | 1211 6th St N | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship West | 208-463-8922 | 903 6th St N | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
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