Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Nampa, ID 83687
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Nampa ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beefy's | 208-466-6225 | 1104 Garrity Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Denny's Restaurant | 208-467-6579 | 607 Nampa Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
El Caramba Restaurant | 208-461-7744 | 324 11th Ave N | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
El Chalateco | 208-442-8813 | 2707 Garrity Blvd Ste 1 | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Elmer's Breakfast Lunch & Dinner | 208-466-7945 | 1411 Shilo Dr | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Jack in the Box | 208-463-0301 | 1700 Franklin Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
McDonald's #26301 | 208-466-9096 | 4412 Garrity Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Mega Bites Restaurant | 208-467-3990 | 3008 Garrity Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Mona Lisa Fondue Restaurant | 208-442-1400 | 102 11th Ave N | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Saigon Restaurant | 208-463-9001 | 3107 Garrity Blvd | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Shilo Inn Restaurant | 208-465-5908 | 1401 Shilo Dr | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Squeezers Giant Burgers Credit Cardline | 208-467-4202 | 16462 Franklin Rd | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Subway | 208-466-3310 | 16476 Franklin Rd | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
Taco Jalisco | 208-465-5788 | 219 11th Ave N | Nampa | ID | 83687 |
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