Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Twin Falls, ID 83301
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Twin Falls ID should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amazing Grace Fellowship | 208-736-0727 | 1061 Eastland Dr N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Bible Missionary Church | 208-733-7071 | 435 Monroe St | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Buds & Blooms | 208-732-5313 | 1220 Kimberly Rd | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls | 208-733-3133 | 241 Main Ave W | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Candlestick Park | 208-734-3444 | 736 2nd Ave N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 208-733-9330 | 401 6th Ave N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Christian Life Fellowship | 208-733-7241 | 450 3rd Ave W | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Christian Science Society & Readi | 208-734-1982 | 160 9th Ave N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Church of Christ Magic Valley | 208-735-5016 | 2002 Filer Ave E | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-732-0852 | 17th Elizabeth Blvd | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-733-3759 | 847 Eastland Dr N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-733-9121 | 526 Falls Ave W | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 208-734-0937 | 401 Maurice St N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Community Christian Church | 208-733-2886 | 303 Grandview Dr | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Community Presbyterian Church | 208-655-4357 | 2461 Central Ave | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Cookie Basket Inc The | 208-734-9930 | 106 Main Ave N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 208-733-5312 | 315 Shoup Ave | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Covenant Bible Church | 208-733-7442 | 302 3rd Ave W | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Eastside Baptist Church | 208-734-7041 | 204 Eastland Dr N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
First Christian Church | 208-733-2209 | 601 Shoshone St N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
First Presbyterian Church | 208-733-7023 | 209 5th Ave N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
First Southern Baptist Church | 208-733-4806 | 492 Washington St S | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
First United Methodist Church | 208-733-5872 | 360 Shoshone St E | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Grace Baptist Church | 208-733-1452 | 798 Eastland Dr N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Iglesia Bautista La Puerta Hermosa | 208-735-1260 | 288 Tyler St | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Lighthouse Christian Fellowsh Ip | 208-737-4667 | 259 Main Ave E | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Living Waters Christian Community | 208-733-2472 | 262 5th Ave N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Our Savior Lutheran Church Elca | 208-733-3774 | 464 Carriage Ln N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Parties for Rent | 208-733-5313 | 201 Shoshone St N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
Zurchers Your Discount Party & Wedding | 208-734-5800 | 1605 Blue Lakes Blvd N | Twin Falls | ID | 83301 |
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